Monday, April 09, 2012

Greenbelt Hike - Dandelions

Easter Sunday afternoon I took the opportunity to go for a hike on one of my favoirte trails, the Barton Creek Greenbelt. The weather presented such a perfect day and with the recent rains creating a nice flow in the creek, I  knew there would be hundreds of people on the trail and swimming in the creek at the various swimmin' holes.

I was not disappointed in the crowds; however, the majority left the trails vacant so I was able to stroll slowly and stop whenever I wanted to photograph any sight that caught my eye.


The field of dandelions was one sight that caught my eye, with the fluffy seed pods ready to disperse and create havoc in some conscientious gardener's yard.[[posterous-content:pid___1]]I have rarely seen so many dandelions in one spot and enjoyed the view they created.[[posterous-content:pid___2]]This many dandelions, combined with the common wild onion which are also plentiful in the area, would make for a good salad. I took an afternoon hike, so I had already eaten, but if I had planned it carefully, I could have had my very own vegan picnic with the wild plants I found.[[posterous-content:pid___3]]Not since I moved away from the farm, have I thought so much about the presence of wild foods around us.[[posterous-content:pid___4]]And not only is it nice to know that the wild foods are around us, they make for some beautiful sights in our outdoor adventures.

Sunday, April 08, 2012


Waiter. Waiter. Percolator.
I love coffee. I love tea.
I love the java jive and it loves me.
        Milton Drake & Ben Oakland

Due to the demise of my 20 year old Mr. Coffee, I used my old fashioned percolator coffee pot for the last two days. I had to dig around under the cabinets to find it, and because I grind my coffee so finely, I had to rig a paper filter for the basket, but after a little improvisation, I had a workable solution.
The coffee was really good.
Really. It was much better than I have had in a long time.
As I shopped for a new coffee maker, my search changed from only drip makers to include percolators of various kinds. After spending over an hour on Amazon reading various reviews and looking at the multitude of coffee makers available to the world today, I finally settled on a pot.
And now I sit over the holiday weekend awaiting the delivery man coming on Tuesday. I ended up selecting a percolator type pot instead of the drip coffee and after the coffee I have had the last two days, I am very much looking forward to my Wednesday morning coffee.
