Thursday, August 09, 2007


I have done something I swore I would never do.

I bought a MacBook.

Some of the things I’m doing for work now would be better done on a Mac – as much as I hate to admit it. But with new jobs come new responsibilities and chances to learn new skills, so I’ve opened myself up again to another new skill.

I last used a Mac in the nineties when I was still teaching. Macs were supposed to be the salvation of education with awesome educational programs and ease of use. Instead, I found them to be a hindrance with limited ability to do much of anything, so I became a vehement anti-Apple person.

I’m officially eating crow to some extent. I still find the Mac much more difficult to use than my Dell. I have to go through more steps to open and close a program, but I’m learning all that I have to do. So far it also seems like I have to have more windows open at a time to do what I want to do.

I’m sure I’ll have more to say in the future – but for the time being, I have to figure out how to read the really small type on the screen (I have learned how to make it larger) but it still seems smaller.


Anonymous said...

oh my god. YOu do realize that you just opened yourself up to all the anti-pc folk, right? The Mac drones are going to come for you!

Anonymous said...

MacBooks....are....awesome. I understand your new mac woes, but once you learn to use it, you will never want to touch a dirty PC again. And if nothing else, you should have fun with the photobooth feature, since I assume you have a new macbook with built-in isight.
