Sunday, October 14, 2012

Do Not Tape!

          During a meeting with co-workers at one of our sites, I stood talking to a friend of mine when I noticed this sign over his shoulder.


         Could they have used any more tape to post a “Do NOT tape” sign to the wall?

         They only made it worse by using the bright blue painter’s tape.

         I looked around the room and there were four such signs taped to the walls. If the building manager is that concerned about tape, a nice frame with a hanger would solve the problem nicely. Instead, sheet protectors and rolls of painter’s tape handled the job.

         I would have mentioned it to the building manager, but knowing that she has no sense of humor, I figured someone would be fired for such careless use of tape, I refrained. I, and my friend, decided we would just laugh about it and take pictures.

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