Sunday, October 07, 2012

Editing for...

         Today I am going to edit.

         For the last month I forced myself to read some and write some every day, but as schedules so often go, the reading and writing come in fits and spurts with little opportunity to do more than take a paragraph or section or scribble some rough thoughts or topics – or maybe a particularly catchy phrase. I dedicated today to editing those pieces together. All three blogs need the time dedication. As does my website. As does a staff training coming up this week. As does a major report for work.

         Fortunately, football fills Sunday television, so I can listen while my vision stays tuned to the screen in my lap.

         As a student, I always hated requirements to edit, particularly when the teacher gave a specifically rigid format for editorial work. Years later Now, after reading much from Anne Lamott and seeing daily encouragement from her Twitter feed, I embrace editing.

         Of course, I embrace it more on my professional/scholarly sites than I do here. Nevertheless, I admit my writing improves with editing as, I suppose, does most everything in life. On my Bible study blog I often preach write about reflection and control. For the writer, editing forces reflection and control.

         In the first draft I always know what I am saying.

         A week later I can only wonder at what I was thinking.

         With the notes before me, I expect to know what I am saying for the next month. We will see how long the dedication to editing continues as I prepare for my annual participation in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – when bloggers commit to writing a daily post) in November coupled with the daily Advent reflections overlapping the end of the month.

         Now, I take out the red pen.

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