Apparently I’m a pocket queer!
I had never heard the term.
Then a person I had just met declares, “Oh, you’re a pocket queer!” after reading my profile.
I didn’t know whether to cyber-punch him or cyber-hug him in the chat window. Since I just met him, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and ask him to clarify.
Pocket Queer \päk ət kwir\ [gay American slang from the late twentieth century] n: a gay man less than five feet seven inches tall
I resolved to cyber-accept it. Technically, I am, being only five feet six inches tall.
This was not the first time I had been called a pocket-something. A few years ago a friend declared me “Pocket Hercules” after I carried his dining room table down three flights of stairs by myself. Honestly, it was not that large – about 40” in diameter – but it was solid wood. I just flipped it over my head and down the stairs I went.
No, I’m not that strong: the adrenaline burst allowed me to do it. Several friends and I had been drafted to help him move and they all were taking their sweet time getting everything done. I boxed and carried and kept up the pace. I didn’t care that the dish towels came from Aunt Grace in Memphis and that was funny because Graceland is located in Memphis.
Give me a job: it gets done.
While everyone else lollygagged around, my frustration mounted until it came time for the table. In a burst of “I’ll show you about being lazy,” I grabbed the table by the edges and flipped it over my head.
Thirty minutes later, the apartment was empty and cleaned and we were on the road to unloading!
And I had a new nick-name.
And now, thanks to Southern Boy, I have a new descriptor. I need to design a new shirt to go with the other one I designed.
: )
By the by, never be offended by what I say. It's never intentionally mean. :-)
Secondly, you are a lil' ol' pocket gay! Accept it! Own it! Be it! You can be damned sure if I were 5'5" or something, I'd be strutting my stuff in clothes from the Baby Gap!
Dang! You nailed me. My jeans do come from the boy's section as they have my size and they're $10 cheaper!
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